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Rhonda H

Oh I love small indie bookshops! They are so few and far between anymore, at least around here. Good for you that you bought books and I look forward to your book reports. Neat handwriting is also acceptable (after all I had to be able to read 187 middle schooler's handwriting!!).

Amy in Texas

Oh, yes I totally understand the thrill of a bookstore. New books, old books, or books in between, it really doesn't matters to me. I too fondle the books. Enjoy your new escapes. Looking forward to the book reports.

Jan McCann

Oh my goodness I am so envious! Almost all our indie bookshops have gone in NW England! They look a real treat. I could spend all day there!


Indie bookstores, plural???? We have none, only Barnes & Noble remains after Borders closed all their stores. The one used book store is struggling.


Enjoy The Rosie Project! I did a writing workshop with Graeme Simsion last year. He was actually a script/screen writer and that was his first novel. It was interesting to hear about the switch... must look out my notes :)

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