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Love it!

Barbara Casillas

Fun to see your city's yarn bombing. We've had some in LA. The facade of a Folk Art Museum was covered. But I actually went to a yarn bomb exhibit at a small gallery here a couple years ago. A yarn bombing person made a request on her website for people to send in knitted pieces that were nature related. She received pieces from all over the U.S. and a few other countries. She created an entire forest that completely filled a room. It was very amazing.

Chris Oliveira

Wow! Fun!


I love it! I've seen examples of this in Seattle and Portland, and even a few here in Austin. It's always good for a chuckle.

Judy H.

Ha! A couple of yarn bomb projects have been installed near my neighborhood within the last couple of years. I get a kick out of them. :)

Beth Leintz

Its fun, its knitting, I love it!

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