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The kale is used as ornamentals here in the Intermountain West (high desert) When it gets to the point shown in your photo it is dug up and taken to the pig farm. Other seasonal plantings, like pansies, and other annuals are planted in their place.

When I was living in Santa Clara, CA. I attended a Catholic Church that had a most spectacular display of wisteria which covered a trellised walkway that extended probably 50 ft. In spring it was like walking in a lavender shower, one of the jaw dropping things I've ever seen. Breathtaking. The vine was ancient.

Judy H.

Love the Kauffman Garden; it is a jewel. Hope you've also been to Powell Gardens (we made our first visit of the season a couple of weeks ago) and the OPk Arboretum; both lovely in their own different ways.


Looking forward to your wisteria updates!💜💜💜💜💜

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