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I've had this on my iPod for the longest time. I don't know why I haven't listened to it, but I will remedy that today. It's watering day in our neighborhood so the timing is perfect. Nothing better than listening to a good book while working in the gardens. Thank you for the review, Carol.


I listened to it, too, and just loved it.

Jessica Porterfield

Carol, have never commented because I did not know how. LOVE your blog! Our book club just finished All The Light... Everyone raved about it. Currently reading your sister recommendation on Miss Queenie Hennessy And it is magical. Don't want it to end. Jessica


I'll download this to my iPod soon as I get finished with this.


My absolute favorite book of last year!

jeanette, mistress of longears

I'm a quarter of the way through it - iPad version - and LOVE it!


Great book!


I loved it too!!

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