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Love the rendering of the house! Fabulous.

What is the over/under loop used for? Labels? Signage?

The drawing of the two of you is hilarious. Love the earphone dripping water! Too funny. The best part though, you're both smiling, having fun.

Don't you feel more confident about drawing? Do you see improvement? Especially when you look back on earlier drawings?

I just read Danny Gregory's new book, Art Before Breakfast...If you haven't read anything by him, grab one of his books from the library. I can't recommend one over the other, they're all good.

Janet Ghio

I always love seeing what you do on sketchtime!! The house looks great as do you--drips or not!!


You are so funny and honest and inspiring. Thanks for posting your drawings and paintings. I wish I were as courageous as you and your sister. I just shake my head and say things like, "I could never do that." And I don't even try. I need to get off my duff and get to sketching. What on earth am I waiting for???

Thanks for challenging yourself and for sharing yourself as well.

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