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Janet Ghio

I'm loving your grackles!! I'm coming up to KC later this week for a few days to visit a friend. We're hitting all the hot spots--galleries, art exhibits, food, old friends. (I grew up in KC) Is it worth a little drive up to Lawrence to check it out? She lives in Shawnee. Anyway if you have a restaurant recommendations (I'm sure you do) let me know. Thanks!!


Keep up the good work. You're very brave attempting to draw/paint birds...these are difficult subjects. Blaze on!


Your grackles are awesome. I love that color of blue ink. We have an abundance of grackles here in Texas, and I take photos of them all the time. Well... I don't know why I never tried to draw them, but now I think I need to try.

jacki long

I think your work is terrific,
and am especially fond of Annette,
I like her a lot! ;o)

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