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jacki long

Gorgeous! Great shots, Carol.

Leslie J. Moran

Oh what a glorious picture of spring!

Chris Oliveira

Gorgeous! Tulips make me smile.


Tulips are not commonly seen in the high desert, but how I love them. I once made a trip to Holland, MI when I was living in the state. Like a trip to the Netherlands, complete with wind mills and eye candy views of tulips everywhere you looked. It was one of the most spectacular displays of spring I've ever seen.

That pink tulip toward the bottom of your post looks like a rose! Could have fooled me except for the leaves...beautiful.


Each photo incredibly lovely! Just wow....,


Beautiful! I have been gone from Topeka for almost 3 years and even though WA is beautiful I miss spring in KS.


Oh, that's gorgeous Carol. Thanks for sharing. We're heading into fall / autumn here in South Africa.

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