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Lilac is such an evocative scent. We had them in PA in my earliest years, and along with hyacinth the fragrance means happiness.

Barbara Tarbox

Here is a helpful hint to make your lilac cuttings last longer. Take your trusty hammer
And lay the branch flat and pound (gently) the bottom two inches of the branch.
This allows water to reach the blooms. Do this with any woody cuttings.
Even if you didn't grow-up with lilacs in your family garden, they seemed to be growing
At a neighbors nearby, thus evoking memories of by-gone days.


Lilacs were my mother's favorites. She always said they bloomed more profusely after a cold and snowy winter.
She also said "Don't be afraid of cutting them to bring them inside. They thrive on severe pruning".


There is nothing quite like the scent of lilacs. And yes, do prune them severely, you'll be glad you did when you get more and more blooms. They don't grow here. So sad.


We had a large lilac tree in the backyard of our home in Michigan. Lilacs (and peonies) will always hold a special place in my heart. Whenever I see lilacs I think of my mom...she just loved them.

Now that I live in California I long for the spring blooming of the lilac trees. Occasionally I see lilac cuttings at the farmers market but they're just not the same: smaller blooms and little,if any, fragrance!


what a heavenly spring smell lilacs have. I love them too and it makes me feel of the country kitchen also. here in northern NY my bushes finally have tiny little buds on them. I go look at the every hoping that my wishing will get them to bloom sooner. also daffodils and tulips are sprouting up and getting ready to bloom. I envy those of you who already have pretties in your garden.

Judy H.

Lilacs are my favorite.


Ah, lilacs. When I was first married eons ago, my mom told me a story about her childhood walk to and from school that involved a lilac bush. I have made it a point to have a lilac bush in the yard of every house I've lived in since. We just moved to Mexico and I don't have one here, yet. Your photos made me a little homesick.


I wish I can grow them in Florida.
I use to walk to the EL in Chicago and I would love the smell of the lilac bushes as I walked by them.

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