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You've got to plant your own peony bushes! They're easy. We put a tomato cage on ours and fertilize them once in the winter. If my brown thumb can grow them so can you!


Staying tuned for possibility of peonies....

Janet Ghio

Creme brulee at the farmers market--oh heaven!! And edible flowers--what a cool farmers market you have!!


I did not know that violet greens could be eaten. I could feast in my yard! I thought that they were just for pretty. I want your farmer's market and look forward to our visit each week!


I would be jumping right on the Creme Brûlée, torched to order, don't care what the hour! That stuff is pure heaven for the mouth!

I had Peonies as a hedge along my driveway when I lived in MI. I couldn't bring them inside because they were covered with ants! Why ants loves them I don't know. There was also a lovely lilac bush over 7 ft high in the back yard. There is nothing like that fragrance in all the world...it's the aroma of spring.

Your Farmer's Mkt. is outstanding. How I wish we had something like it here.

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