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Leslie Gardiner

Carol, Another great spot in Lawrence! That cup of coffee....I can almost taste it!


Oh my, another unique coffee shop in your neck of the woods...sheesh, you'd think KS was the heart of coffeeville....wait! Isn't there a Coffee, KS? Maybe that's why these coffee shops pop up there?

What is a Cortado? I've never hear of it.


wanna go there on my next big KANSAS adventure!


Carol, love your tulip pictures at the top, they are quite beautiful. Enjoyed your new coffee shop story. I am so coffee shop iliterate it's pathetic. I had to look up cortado. On my to learn list is to know what all terms are in a coffee shop...just so I know.


Ahhh, no wifi ...maybe in the not too distant future that will be a selling point for some places. I enjoy being tech-blocked on occasion; unable to habitually turn to technology.

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