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Oh, you could make a Wedish journal! HA...Better that you don't like to write the letter "S" than not like to speak words with the letter "S"...that would be hilarious.

Practice over & over making the letter S, then it won't bother you, you're bound to improve just by doing it.


No problemo!

Just write Sunday in Spanish - Domingo! No Ss!


practice on vellum tip you get one you like then glue it on.

Barbara Tarbox

Oh I LOVE the "Domingo" solution.
And Joan's response was hilarious.
Such roadblocks we put up for ourselves, why is that?
Let's ALL practice our "S's" today, there is power in the collective practice.


I myself do not like "F"s so I'm not going to France or Finland anytime soon. I guess Frankfort is doubly out. Love the butterfly. No S and no F. More butterflies.

jan b.

The way I would write a Fabulous, enjoyable Sunday would be F-U-N-D-A-Y! (apologies to Lizzie)

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