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That's a mighty scary looking squirrel lurking on that branch. I'm sure he's hoping you might have a morsel of food for him to tuck away for the winter. Maybe some Kale & quinoa would be palatable for squirrels? They're bird feeder destroyers, some call them rats with fuzzy tails. I think they're cute.

Found out on one of the Travel Channel episodes with Andrew Zimmern, on a trip to the Andes, that quinoa is native to that part of the world and a staple of the Andean diet. It's considered a pseudo cereal, not a true grass, related to beetroot, spinach and tumbleweed!

jacki long

It's a conspiracy Carol, a squirrel conspiracy!
from "drooling in SoCal" ;o)


Watch the show Zoo on CBS on Tuesday nights and you may get scared that the squirrels are watching you!!


Yum...there you go again. I love both kale and quinoa, and now you've gone and added beets and walnuts, two more on my list of favorites. I am so gonna make this one.

I just had a stare down with the squirrel on my birdfeeder. His look says "whatcha gonna do about it" ...Argh! He's very entertaining, in a maddening way.


No doubt about it: squirrel patrol checking for kale/quinoa overload.


Have you ever contemplated writing a book? Your writing is uniquely imaginative and you have a wonderful way with words. I'll bet you could write a wonderful novel or story.

Chris Oliveira

Have you ever heard of or tried Portuguese Kale soup? I am guessing you would love it.


That squirrel pic made me laugh out loud! Picturing you cradling your bowl away from his prying eyes.....



Don't you become a little squirrly!!!

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