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Sharon Walworth

Not sure about the purple carrot/peach pie. But I have a favorite carrot/pineapple muffin recipe that would be worth a try with those ingredients. The peaches would be the challenge: I have trouble draining them sufficiently to prevent sad end results!!

Caroline Berk

Love that banner! We just had our first half bushel of peaches. They didn't last long - a few peach pies and now we need to go get more. Nothing as good as peaches in season.


Peaches are my favorite summer fruit tied with watermelon. Nothing but peach pie or peach cobbler for this woman. But I have to admit I eat most of the peaches just as they are, sweet little rounds of goodness. I let the juice run right down my arm and let it drip off my elbow. Nothing better. Oh, maybe the smell of peach!

I saw a cute idea for those mixed cut flowers on P. Allen Smith TV show: Take each color of bell pepper, cut off top, fill with water, use as a centerpiece on picnic table to buffet lunch/dinner. An avocado was used to stick herbs into, woody ones like rosemary, thyme. They sliced off the bottom so it would sit flat, about 2 inches from top (before seed) I couldn't do that because I love avocado too much to not eat it. The flowers in different colored bell peppers was very cute tho'.


You picked up some nice green beans though. I just wanted to reach in there and grab a mason jar full of zinnias! Loved those colors.

Leslie J. Moran

I'm so delighted to have time to sit and real all your blog entries. This explosion of colour has me back in the saddle and ready to roll again.

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