The Maple Leaf festival in Baldwin City last weekend was everything you might expect from a fall arts and crafts show. Banners, music, rides, hooked rugs, turkey legs, cotton candy, quilts on display, a beer garden, and beautiful maple trees.
What I did not expect to see however was this little miss.
She was part of the Suzuki Strings concert. Who knew there was such a thing? Not me.
They alone are a reason to return next year. That and the pretty trees. And Conrad.
Conrad, the shuttle driver. Who was probably 80 and seemed to know every single person in town, including a couple of real cute giggly 10 year old girls who made it a point to come over and wave and say "Hi Conrad!" And now I can not for the life of my stop singing "we love you conrad oh yes we do, we don't love anyone as much as you, when you're not with us, we're blue, oh conrad we love you". If this reference is not familiar to you I recommend highly that you watch Bye Bye Birdie this weekend.
Posted by: robin | 10/23/2015 at 10:04 PM
I'm familiar with Suzuki Strings concerts only because a friends Japanese American grandchildren were in the local program. All went on to become concert musicians in high school orchestra. They are accomplished students in college now...Went to several of their concerts...all wonderful. But seeing little teeny kids with the miniature violins...that was frosting on the cake.
Posted by: Joan | 10/24/2015 at 09:27 PM