We almost didn't make it out to Schaake's this year. So much going on at this time of year. Things to do. Places to go. People to see. But the call of the pumpkin patch is strong.
I told Chris we would make a very quick trip. I think I said "we'll just go really early on Sunday and I'll grab some gourds and the pumpkins that are already picked, we don't even have to go out into the fields."
But then we got there and I said "well maybe we should just look at the fields and get one from there".
It's a good thing we did, because if we hadn't, I would not have overheard the 5 year old girl trying to convince her dad that she neeeeeded a pumpkin to keep in her bedroom. And them him trying to tell her why that was not a good idea. And her asking "but why?" after each argument he laid out.
Six pumpkins and a big bag of gourds and 3 party pumpkins later, I was loaded up and ready to go. For the record... a very good time was had by all.
Looks like a great place to have a great punkin' pickin' day! What fun. I just love fall. Everything about it makes me smile.
Posted by: Joan | 10/29/2015 at 08:29 AM