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Amy at love made my home

Angie would have loved it! xx

jacki long

Perfect! ♥

Brenda F

I am so excited to see exactly what you will do with Angie's sewing box. I have both of my grandmother's sewing boxes and have had several ideas, but nothing really seems to stick. So, my thought is that those ideas are not quite the right things. I know once it comes to me, I will know it - just like you do now.


Those spools of thread look great in that old jar. Aren't the old wooden spools the coolest? Angie would have liked it a lot!

jeanette, mistress of longears

If Angie's box includes a button collection, here is the cutest thing I've ever seen (a friend did it):
Get a type drawer and cut fabrics to fit each compartment, sew one button on the fabirc for each compartment and when you're done, it's gorgeous!

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