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Great post, Sister. I can assure you that it's still as gorgeous as you remember. Hoping that you, Chris, Cheryl and I can walk it together again some day.

Janet Ghio

Sounds delicious!!


I love watching The Masters; maybe someday my husband and I will be able to go. Such a beautiful course.

We watched the highlights last night and really enjoyed the interview with Jordan Spieth. He's well-spoken, confident but not boastful, and hopefully poised to earn his second green jacket. What a nice young man.

Your recipe looks delicious1


Ah, yes! Thanks for the reminder and the photos of the pimento cheese...and the recipe! It is on the menu, once again.

As an aside, I do not watch or have never watched "Breaking Bad." However, because of the topic of elder law and abuse, we took in, via Netflix, all of "Better Call Saul." A great scene with the retired cop, Mike, is where a bad guy asks him, What you packin'? and Mike answers back, A pimento cheese. Ha. Love that.

Keep up the great posts.:)


YUM! And one time we had leftover pimento cheese...as strange as that sounds. I used it in some made from scratch mac & cheese...delicious!


I watched the Masters hoping that Jordan Spieth would win as he had such a comfortable lead, then the wheels came off with the quadruple bogy on 12, Holy Moly. What a shame he didn't win. Such a personable young man, so poised, collected and confident. But with golf there's just no such thing as "sure thing". He's only 22 so has a long career in the golf world, barring injury. Hopefully, he'll come roaring back next year. The young man who did win certainly deserved it.

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