I savored the luxury of sitting on the front porch this afternoon to finish reading a book. I almost finished it last night, but saved the last few chapters for today. Just because. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the characters last night. A sure sign of a good read.
This is the story of a man (Nathan) who finds a baby in the woods while he is out duck hunting. He decides he wants to raise the baby, but can't because the baby is given to his grandmother. Nathan tells her that he would like to meet the boy someday, and she promises him she will make that happen. And she does, and the story unfolds.
I read this book very quickly. It is arranged in short chapters, is focused on the relationship between Nathan and the boy, and does not include a lot of excess details that detract from that story. Perfect for bedtime (or front porch) reading. Highly recommended.
Carol, I'm not sure when I will get 'round to your book recommendation, but wanted you to know I DID just make my first ever Kale salad, the one you featured a few days ago. Your good influence wafted on a cloud, so to speak, across the Midwest to my little corner of SW Ohio! Always look forward to your wise words and good ideas. An evening Porch Read is in my future, too.
Posted by: Carol A | 04/20/2016 at 11:41 AM
Thanks for this rec. I'm always on the lookout for sunny afternoon reads.
Posted by: Maureen | 04/20/2016 at 12:14 PM
I love your book reports. Thanks.
Because of Ken Burns documentary about one of baseball's greatest players--Jackie Robinson, I am reading a book by Myron Uhlberg.
Uhlberg, when he was 9 or 10 in 1947, was taken to see Jackie Robinson play baseball at Ebbets field in Brooklyn, N. Y. His father who was deaf took him there.
Uhlberg's short anecdote wrenched my heart lickety-split and I nearly started sobbing and I did sob later on in the bathroom.
Anyway...the books title is "Hands of my Father: A hearing boy, His Deaf parents, and the language of love." Copyright 2008.
Posted by: Pam | 04/20/2016 at 03:18 PM