I have been reading a great book, which I AM going to tell you all about (as soon as I have completed it) but today I want to tell you about how I took some advice from the book, turned it on it's head, and had a most successful result.
The advise was to do something different, out of your norm, unexpected, to shake things up and have fun. So, in the name of doing something "unusual", way out of my comfort zone, I thought about getting into my swimsuit and going to the pool at the high school to swim laps the other day.
Then I came to my senses, remembered I do VERY unusual things all the time, and planned a top notch regular day off. That included nothing out of the ordinary.
It started with a "baked pumpkin maple latte" with cold fresh whipped cream and a whisper of nutmeg and a good hour of shooting the breeze with Mary Joan. This was followed by a quick trip to a nearby garden for scouting purposes. Insect hotels are on the fall project list and I needed to examine the structure of some carefully.
Once the details were recorded we headed downtown to an architectural salvage place because it had been years since we've been.
Unfortunately it will just a bit longer as they are not open on Mondays. It was a good drive though and we passed by 7 other places we put on the list to visit in the immediate future. All of this worked up quite an appetite so we tossed around 3 ideas for where to get the best salad in town. And settled on Cafe Europa.
Above: "Green" salad a la Leon. Below: Chicken and walnut salad. Both absolutely incredible.
It is very fortunate that the best salads in town also happen to be served at a place with drop dead delicious lemon cake and melt my insides coconut cream pie. Those are not the names you will see on the menu, but take my word for it.
Once we were fully and completely satisfied, we headed to the Mission Road Antique mall where we laughed ourselves silly trying on hats, then hit the jackpot when we discovered a whole stash of fabrics for the great stuffed pumpkin caper.
If all goes according to plan, you will see these stems attached to new pumpkins in the next several weeks.
And this is how we turned a very ordinary day into a lovely experience that will live long in my memory as one of my best days off, ever. Even if it didn't involve my bathing suit and the high school pool.