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I think the Monarchs were on Button Bush. :) I loved those photos!


Beautiful photos!!!

Heidi Sue

I just downloaded a free app on my iPhone, myGardenAnswers. You can take a photo of a flower or plant and it identifies it for you. Highly recommend!


Thank You Jennifer! I think you are exactly right 😄


The butterflies are actually viceroys, which are almost identical to monarchs, except for the black line going through each hindwing. Your photos of them are gorgeous, Carol.


Whether Monarchs or Viceroys, they look elegant in black and orange. The rest of us look Halloweenish. Your photographs are lovely, as usual.


Lovely! The big gray bird is a Great Blue Heron. They can pose like that for extended periods of time, still as a statue!

Snowy Egrets are smaller than the Great Egret, Snowys have black bills and yellow feet, Greats have yellow bills and black feet. I love to see Snowys fly with those lovely yellow slippers trailing behind.

What an interesting flower that spikey little sputnik is and butterflies are stunning.

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