Three important midweek activities you should know about.
Sweaters are being knitted.
Packages arrived in the mail! I decided I needed to have my very own piece of original art by my friend Pam Garrison. To hang up in our house and look at every single day. So I ordered one up. And now I am putting it on every wall in the living/dining rooms of my house trying to figure out where I can see it the most. Because every time I see it. It makes me happy. Really happy.
I also made pumpkin bread. Because that makes me happy too. When I eat it.
As you can see, so far, it's been a red letter week.
I'd call that an orange letter day in honor of the beloved pumpkin.
I got out the sox I began last fall to finish them up...I had a slight delay in finishing up my second pair of 12 pair of socks in a year when I was diagnosed with malignant colon cancer, so after a setback I'm on the road to fulfilling my commitment to complete 12 pair of socks starting now. Now that's my orange letter day.!
Posted by: Joan | 10/12/2016 at 10:34 PM
Posted by: Caroline | 10/13/2016 at 09:10 PM