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Gotta love people who walk to a different drum beat. That young man looks like a very capable tour guide by bicycle. Wonder what beat he walks to?

Janet G

I would love to see this great outsider art!!but maybe not Mr Dinsmore.

Linda Watson

You know, reading your blog almost makes me want to move to Kansas. Except, of course, there is no ocean.


I would call it more central Kansas, but a very unique place that tugs at our hearts:) I work in this town, but live down the road. My mothers family has ties to Lucas and I am proud to say my children go to school here!

Judy H.

William is adorable. The Garden of Eden is a quirky, wacky place. We took our grade-schooler there many years ago, and when we asked her for her review of the GoE she was unimpressed and said it was 'just some concrete statues and a dead guy'. I, however, love it! :)


Wow! I loved this post - thanks for sharing. Am I not the only one who noticed "mrs." Dinsmoor looked 45 years junior to the Mr.???

That's not may/december. That's may/ice age. :)

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