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jacki long

Agreeing with the sentiment & can almost taste that pie!


Doing "ordinary" things is a way for me to remember that everything is going to be OK.... no better way to do that than to bake something wonderful. Best served with friends around!


Why can't I live closer to you and absorb your positive energy while eating your gorgeous food in person and not vicariously?

Seriously, thanks for this beautiful reminder to carry on.
To maintain hope.
To stay present in the present moment.


Thanks for this. It is what we do, we continue to be the people we have always been. And eat pie!

Janet G

Lovely post--it's not easy is it


Thank you for your words. They were exactly what I needed to hear right now. So that is how I will spend my day -- living in the moment -- doing things to make my home a safe and happy one.

Chris Oliveira

Yes. ❤️

Heidi Sue

Love and light speeding across the prairie to you!



Linda Watson

It's true, oh, so true - take care of the ordinary business of life, including cooking and eating good food. I watered all of my plants, pulled some weeds and spun some more on the wool I'm spinning for an Advent Scarf. Blessed be.

Sharron Carleton

Yes, it's what we do....but sometimes we need to be reminded of the procedure, so thanks xox


Nicely stated. Thank you.

Barbara Casillas

I stay in the moment for just so long, and then it hits me. That seems to be the pattern since last Tuesday. So yesterday I walked peacefully with others in Los Angeles, determined to stay vigilant.

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