« they walked back and forth looking and moving and walking away and coming back to look again | Main | ANYONE can have a screaming good time at an art retreat »



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jacki long

Just wonderful!
Your trips, your photos & your words.
Thanks you Carol!


and while you climbed pam & i napped. hee hee hee

Sharron Carleton

Wild and wonderful xox


Beautiful photos. Sounds/looks like another delightful art retreat.


The garden is interesting, especially with its offbeat art! The landscape reminds me of the really dry basins in Wyoming. That clear sky, too. Looks like you gals had another great art trip - I'm always a teeny bit envious of those! ;)

Judy H.

We were in CA (from KS) last week and didn't end up going to Joshua Tree due to the rainy forecast (and maybe the forecast was wrong?). Instead we did day trips from Oceanside to the San Diego area. That was Plan B, as Plan A would have been in Sequoia which where roads were closed due to snow and rock slides! Must be adaptable when traveling in January! :)

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