The first strawberries at the farmers market are ALWAYS a treat. Especially so this year, when our Spring weather has been uncooperative with sudden cold snaps right when it's time for picking. Every single one of these was perfection. Nary a dud in the bunch. AND red all the way through. I am hoping for an equally good basket next week.
In addition to great tunes and a spectacular mounding of radishes, there were lots of tomatoes to choose from this week. Except we are going to have to wait until we get home from vacation this year to start ours. We don't want to plant and then leave them on their own for a week before they get a good foundation. It's good to experiment. That's what I am telling myself anyway.
There was no shortage of pretty flowers this week, as well as a cute boy carrying his hand-made ninja doll with orange yarn hair in his mini baby carrier. It's important to have your hands free in case your mom needs you to hold a cookie at the market. And quick! can one of you advise me on what to make with mustard greens?
Fern + impatience + begonia + super cool coleus = award for best Mothers Day flowers that will last on the porch all summer long.
Speaking of colorful beauty... how about this? There is something so wonderful about a grouping of well loved threads, all mixed together, waiting to be stitched into who knows what for sure.
This basket belongs to Pam from Prairie Found Farms, creator of gourd garlands and many beautiful hand made items. One of these Saturdays I am going to pull up a chair and just watch her stitch. For hours.
Here is what jumped into my basket at the market this week. I love unpacking it, thinking about how it will all be used this week.
There is nothing that beats a bag of tender freshly picked lettuce for salads with dinner. Unless of course, it happens to be the first kale salad of the season that you are taking for lunch every day this week.