Where do I begin to explain the balloon festival? As I said to Dottie and Christy after we had been on the grounds for about 10 minutes. "Oh this is something you have to experience to really get the magnitude".
And the color. And the spectacle that is all those balloons lifting off the ground. One after the other.
And no collisions. I guess because of the balloon referees? What do you call these guys & gals that seem to be in charge of helping clear the path of ascent?
Besides "cheerful, friendly, and cute" I mean. Because they were all that too. While keeping everyone in line.
Everyone was looking up and smiling. Imprinting the color for when it is needed on a drab winter day.
Let me not forget to mention the green chili breakfast burrito. It was the perfect antidote to that chilly morning wait for the bus ride out to the festival grounds. I don't know this guy's name, but if you go next weekend I hope he makes yours. He made mine, and it was a big old mess of spicy, warm, green chili, scrambled egg goodness.
I hope if you get to the balloon fest, you have guides like Dottie and Christy. Who will hold your coffee so you can take photos, are skillful at working their way through the field, make sure you don't get lost, and will take you home for an afternoon nap if you need one.
Which I surely did.