The other day when organizing cupboards in the kitchen, I found these.
Four bottles of hydrocodone dating back as far as 2007. All for oral surgeries Chris has had since that time. Just for kicks I opened each bottle and counted. There are a total of 54 tablets. If you have bottles like this hanging around, let me do a quick Public Service Announcement. October 28th is national Take Back Day 2017. The goal of this day is to get opioids and other medications out of the general circulation, where they may do harm if taken by someone they were not prescribed for.
I used to think it was wasteful to get rid of medications that we might "need" at some future time. The truth is, if I am having enough pain to need to take an opioid, I likely need to go to a health care provider to see what's wrong.
If you are wondering what your part is in the current opioid crisis in this country, it is this. Be responsible with these medications. Even if you think no one is going to break into your house and take them, or, that no one who would be in your house would go looking for them, and take them. If you have recovered from the injury/illness for which they were prescribed, get them out of the general circulation.
Here's what you do. Go to this website. Put in your zip code. You will be directed to sites in your geographic area where you can safely turn in any medication you are no longer using. It's that easy.
Thank you!
Posted by: Chris | 10/24/2017 at 08:47 AM
Carol - Thanks for the reminder. I have taken them to the courthouse and they have a bin for them. Makes it real easy to get rid of medications.
Posted by: Deneise | 10/24/2017 at 01:28 PM
nonsense! send them to me! you'll thank me for it when you break your leg hiking in germany and need something for the pain. (and can't get to a doctor because we're stranded in a ravine)
Posted by: sister! | 11/05/2017 at 10:27 PM