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The first square will be like the Chinese say: the first step in a 1000 mile journey.


the quilt colors!!!


Looking forward to watching the quilt progress!


I don't often comment, but I just love reading your posts! I look forward to them every day.

Heidi Sue

so many good projects!

jacki long

Happy New Year Carol!
I like this part, a few days in when everything settles after the holiday pace. As always your photos are terrific, and the close up of the poinsettia is just stunning! ♥

jeanette sclar

Oh! I think I just heard the first little click-clacks of falling dominoes!

Judy H.

Haven't popped in and commented for a while. Loving the posts though. From knitted elves, to holiday cookies and photo ops, to candles and autumn leaves and cornbread. Thanks for sharing, as always. Happy New Year!

Barbara Casillas

I don't leave comments too often, but I always enjoy your posts. I am always impressed at the number of things you do so well, and how fast you are able to accomplish them. The photos bring all these activities into perfect visual focus, and your sense of humor is a joy.

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