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Carol.. thank you for posting your PS pix and stories. In ase you might like it, there is a great lil app called Star Tracker if you want to put it on your cellphone.
We have found it most useful..


Sirry.. typo.. meant in CASE sheesh.. will retire to the typo corner now.


All that sounds like heaven! Especially the art fun. And the yoga in the pool. And the stargazing. I have the Star Tracker app on my phone, too. I'm taking advantage of a brief puppy nap to get on-line. Oh my gosh, she's bold and full of energy.

jacki long

Wonderful! Sending SoCal hellos to you all.
A bit jealous, but 85% so happy for you all!


Love these pics of the desert. Palm Springs just gets it right, eh? Just the right touches in just the right places. I love the retro houses. Sorry to be so late commenting on your annual art retreat. I'm sure Palm Springs will be waiting for the next one.

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