We continue to alternate between winter and spring here in Kansas. Clouds and wind and sleet and snow, followed by a day of sunshine.
I went outside the other day to take a photo of the baby weeping cherry with it's "just starting to open" blossoms, in the event that it is the only picture of any blooms we see this year.
The vinca has started to do it's thing, and we can't decide if we want a cold beer or a cup of hot tea in the afternoons.
The tulips I planted on the top of the rock wall out back have been coming back faithfully for 12 years and this year seems to be no different. They don't care if it's hot or cold. Meanwhile, tuna salad sandwiches are alternating with hearty stews on the dinner menu each night.
The ground covers are pushing through last years dried blooms and the iris bed is badly in need of a clean up.
As for me, I continue to knit my sweater vest. While I sit in the living room in front of the fire.
Truth be told, I am perfectly happy that the weather can't make up it's mind what it wants to do yet. Because I can't either.
so good! Perfect!
Posted by: jacki long | 04/07/2018 at 11:41 PM
We're still in winter here, snow on the ground and plenty of days of non-stop snow, the temp just above freezing. My tulips are up 1/2" in the garden. It sounds like a good swath of the country is getting a little blast of winter lately. On this gray and raw day we'll be having homemade bean and ham soup for dinner and curling up by the fire tonight to watch the wonderful British detective series "Vera" on Netflix.
Posted by: Diana | 04/08/2018 at 03:06 PM
We are having crazy weather here too. One day blasting hot ((90F!) Next day back to the 50's and wind gusts up to 60mph! I keep a sweatshirt jacket in the car all the time cuz I never know if it's going to be winter or summer on any given day.
Posted by: Joan | 04/09/2018 at 03:53 PM