Each weekend the farmers market gets better and better as we move along in the growing season.
Competition for space in the basket begins. Mindful packing is the rule.
This is the time of year when peonies are bought first thing and walked back to the car before I can move along with the rest of my business.
Running neck and neck with my excitement about the peonies, was my delight in these!
Small, perfect, Kansas-grown, strawberries. AND a long weekend to enjoy eating them with blueberries, bananas, muesli, and milk with a drizzle of honey and a BIG cup of coffee for breakfast.
There were cute girls in hats buying kombucha tea at the market and red, red, red, tomatoes.
The butterhead lettuce was like a museum exhibit in it's perfection. Minus the price of admission.
This cute pup checked out my overflowing basket with approval as I paid for my sweet peas.
When I saw them I was immediately transported back to Lummi Island, and the "self-serve" flower stand right up the road from our house. I of course had to have some.
Along with the last of the asparagus, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, kale, and 2 tomatoes. I wasn't going to get tomatoes. But I couldn't help myself.
They are like pickled cucumbers, in that they belong on your dinner plate 4 out of 7 nights all summer long.
Sigh. I know I say this every week, but it truly WAS a perfect Saturday at the farmers market this week.