Despite a late Spring, followed by lower than average rain fall to date, our tomatoes are doing pretty good. So far. Of course, we are growing them in a container, on the deck, that has a water reservoir underneath so we don't over or under water. Theoretically.
This was the day they were planted. May 5th.
Next photo taken on May 19th.
On May 27th the first fruits were spotted.
May 30th - growing over the top of the cage.
Maybe by the time I get home from Germany we will be pretty close to the first home-grown tomato meal of the summer. I am leaving an able-bodied garden supervisor to help Chris with any outdoor chores he may require assistance with. Such as remembering the precise quantity of water each of my potted plants requires.
Luckily, there is nothing Harvey can't handle.
Looks great!
Posted by: jacki long | 06/09/2018 at 03:27 AM
Wow! The tomato plants look wonderful. I can't believe they are so big already. Big difference between growing in Kansas and Massachusetts!
Posted by: Chris | 06/09/2018 at 07:28 AM