This full basket is an indication of the selections at the market on Saturday.
Lets start with the flowers for my table shall we.
Normally not a huge fan of cockscomb celosia, when I spotted it in combination with the sunflowers, it was so stunning, there was no question which bouquet was coming home with me.
The rest of my basket contents are below.
More blueberries to freeze. Basil for a caprese salad and home-made pizza, salads for this week, and fresh crunchy things to serve as vehicles for hummus.
The selection of peppers this week were eye-catching.
As was this lady, perusing the produce at Mellowfield Farms...
...where they had beautiful rainbow chard and summer squash.
They are right next door to the Wohletz Farm folks and my friend Madeline.
The peaches ladies were back.
And if you needed flat parsley, there was a nice selection of fragrant herbs.
Someone was captivated by the entertainment.
And you can see why. %*&#@!! I am kicking myself for not taking a video. So you could hear why.
I bought a tomato to go with the basil...
...along with some carrots,
from these farm gals.
I guess it's a good problem to have to want to buy something from every farmer there.
The last thing I want to tell you about this weeks market is - Rudbeckia Triloba "Prairie Glow".
It stopped me in my tracks when I leaned over to pick up my basket after paying for the flowers. There is always something new and beautiful waiting to be spotted at the Farmers Market in Lawrence Kansas.
Another great trip, I love it!
Posted by: jacki long | 07/23/2018 at 11:41 AM
So wish our farmers market was a beautiful. Enjoy your goodies!
Posted by: Amy in Texas | 07/24/2018 at 06:58 PM