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There is nothing like a tribe of like minded friends getting together and working on a project together. I truly believe it's necessary for my own well being. TFS!

Barbara Tarbox

Loved this post. Many years ago, attended a weekly 5-hour session led by a local
master sewer/tailor. You brought your machine and project, what ever skill level it
may be and if help was needed it was available.
As you point out Carol, the camaraderie is inspiring and invigorating. One of my
projects were coats for my then little girls. Another was a woolen cape for myself.
We tackled knitting projects also.
Without that kind of instruction and help, I might never have attempted that level
of sewing.
Hurrah for women who sew, support, laugh and enjoy.


Just about my favorite thing in the world is getting together with my friends to make stuff. Love the bags and intend to order the pattern.

Can you find out what pattern was used to make the baby jacket? Thank you!!


Sharon: baby jacket pattern link added to the post above in case someone else wants it too!


Thank you for the link to the baby jacket, Carol!


Emie and Barbara - YEP, you guys clearly get it :-)

pam mckean

That was such a fun day. Thanks, ladies.

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