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Chris oliveira

Are the Prairie Makers selling any of their wares? Those inside outside bags are soooo cute.


Chris: good question. For me “making” is the opportunity to play and have fun with no expectation of an outcome that will be great. Of course I would like it if all my projects were perfect in the end, but they rarely are, except to me. I
love all the things I make because I remember the joy of the activity. Selling would add a layer of pressure that would make it seem like work. Since I already have a full time job, I like to keep my fun free of any expectations. Carol

jacki long

Wonderful! I always enjoy the combinations of patterns, never too many patterns I say!

Maker Wendy

This is what your next project should be! I am teaching myself to crochet so that I can make this blanket. It is looking good so far. 😀

I love reading your blog. You and Mary Ann are both so witty and have a great sense of humor!

Maker Wendy
PS You can see the my blanket so far here:


Agreed Jacki!

jeanette sclar

I know you meant "submitted by Prairie Maker Carol". Understood.


Jeanette: your correction to the minutes is noted and appreciated. The record has been corrected.

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