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Amy in Texas

Looks absolutely wonderful!! And what would we do without Tupperware?


Sounds & looks yummy! I have that same Tupperware cake carrier...but mine is RED. It sits in the basement most of the time, but it's invaluable when you need it. Happy Thanksgiving!

jacki long

Looks yummy! ;o)


When they say, throw it out if you haven't used it in a year, they're wrong.

Sharon Walworth

How clever of you to position the recipe on its own page for printing! Too often the recipe spans two pages and so must be copied by hand to catch all the details.

My personal favorite Tupperware is the pie server,which is divided into five or six "piece" sized sections. I collect them and have them stacked in my "studio" to hold themed collections of buttons, vintage trims, etc. I do keep one in the kitchen for use as a mini-buffet for lunches away from home!!!!

jacki long


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