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jacki long

Always beautiful and charming, Carol. Thank you.


I don't like broccoli rabe raw - too "something" for me! I find its sharp taste is great cooked but I guess too strong for me raw. I eat more of it now - it is lower in oxalates and better for men who get kidney stones than regular broccoli. And sometimes I have to adjust my eating habits to make him healther.

Gail Hollis

The coat in the last picture of this post brought back memories of one I had in the early '60's, bought with money I earned at my first real job after high school graduation. Mine was a Lily Ann, brushed wool, baby blue with those same wide sleeves. So wide I had to wear long gloves to my elbows! I wore it for many Iowa winters and when it didn't suit my life style after marriage and two children I converted it to a parka for my 2 year old daughter, Ann, following my Grandmother Cora Lena's example of making things out of other things. I am still doing it today.
(Recently a white cotton duvet became a window treatment in my bedroom)
Sewing feeds my soul. Thanks Carol, for your wonderful stories and photos.
They also feed my soul.

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