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Debbie J

My mother had those same children's books. When we were dismantling her house a couple of years ago, my sister insisted that I keep them. So I did! Who knows if they will ever get used, for making art journals, or snipping collage bits, but I have them just in case the mood strikes!

jacki long

Great memories indeed.


Good for you Debbie! I still have “things to make and things to do” from our set. It seems that even as a child I was destined to be a maker.

Mary 'Joan' Madden

I love everything that's old: old manners,old books, old times and old friends... so spending a day reminiscing with my friend Carol Jean was pretty special!


Antique malls/stores are closing in our area, too. (Minnesota) I've read that interest in antiques is way down and the younger generation doesn't want anything to do with them. I hate to think of so much history ending up in a landfill!


I am still thinking about those coats! Maybe we should go back and get them?

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