Hello and welcome 2019. I have plans for you. Loose plans. But plans none the less. Inspired by some of these images from Taproot magazines' last several issues. All these will go up on the inspiration board.
I s t r e t c h e d out the time from 7 to 10 o'clock this morning as far as I could. Sitting right here. Looking at exactly this. Going through magazines. Letting my mind leisurely stroll through all the possibilities.
Then I re-read a few cards, and listened to a TedTalk from a designer who takes a year off from work every 7 years. To re-charge himself. I like his style.
Marco Polo greetings were exchanged. A sister trip planning session began. Activities for the day were laid out.
Including this puzzle I ordered way back in September just for this purpose, and...
a paint-by-number "Masterpiece" Chris and I are working on together. We have already picked a spot to hang it. Masterpiece or not. So far so fun.
I continue to enjoy every minute spent on the needlepoint project. Which in fact, is just like a paint-by-number, with yarn.
The poinsettia is going strong on the table, especially just when the sun goes down through the back patio window and lights it up like the show-stopper that it is.
I have decided that when the Christmas tree candle is completely burned down, I will take our tree down. Not one minute before.
And with that decision made, my work for the day is done. Tomorrow it's back to my real job. Where I submit a proposal to take a one year sabbatical since I have been at my present job for over 7 years. In my dreams. Which it's good to have.
Happy New Year and happy new dreams to all of you.
Wonderful again, may 2019 bring all your dreams to the surface and fruition.
Posted by: jacki long | 01/01/2019 at 10:49 PM