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It's amazing that when it comes time to prepare taxes there are so many chores that need immediate attention.
Who could look at a bunch of numbers without carrots on the front porch?

robin cox walsh

Procrastination is an art unto itself! I think I could give you a run for your money in that department! ;) (The close up of the tulips is STUNNING! Thank you for sharing!)

jacki long

Oh that's my problem, I don't have tulips.
I am in the same boat with you Carole,
"easily distracted by shiny objects!" ;o)


Sister - it's genetic! You can't help it. Mom perfected the art of dilly dallying / puttering around / chasing shiny objects etc. over 85 years. I've got the Angie gene too and am doing my best to keep it alive and well!!! Embrace it - we're certainly too damn old to change it and it's a cheap way to entertain oneself. You never know what surprise might be next!


Thanks Robin :)

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