Peonies are still available at my farmers market. As long as they are there, they come home with me. Here is this week's bunch.

I love nothing better than selecting my stems from the buckets, then coming home and picking out a vase. When I turn around after paying and see new relationships forming, that's pretty good too. These two had lots to discuss.

Beets, swiss chard, cherries and fennel were just some of the things available this week.

I was most excited about the fennel because I recall last year looking for some later in the year, to make a soup, and learning it was more of a spring crop. I have no idea what I did with that recipe that I was certain was going to be a winner.

Notebooks, computer files, and internet searches were done. Cookbooks pulled out. Different recipes selected.

It seems like eons since I made soup to take for lunch at work.

I liked how this future version of myself selected flowers to match her top. I wanted to follow her home and see what her post market routines are.

Instead, I did my best to select a tablecloth that went with the peonies.

Then took pictures, and more pictures, and more pictures.

Because you can't have too many photos of peonies in one post. In this person's opinion anyway.