The most exciting thing we saw at Henry's Plant Farm recently was not this peacock. Though he was impressive.
Nor this pot. Which was beautiful.
Nope, it was not this cat, which I spied when I was looking at the pot above. And, who was completely squishy and adorable.
Not the bee balm, not the squirrel, not the way the meadow beyond this greenhouse was framed in the doorway.
No, to the goats, but they were certainly frisky.
It was not the geraniums, however amazing their leaves.
It WAS this!
Two tiny brand new baby peacocks that hatched 2 days prior to our visit! Suffice it so say we were excited to see them. Only 2 days old and already up and walking and doing "peachick" things.
More regular visits will be in order. To check on their development and expand our general knowledge about peafowl. For example, did you know they sleep up in trees? The things you can learn on a weekend, at a farm, in the country, in Kansas.
So cool, and I learned something too1
Posted by: jacki long | 06/06/2019 at 12:42 AM
OMG!!! So cute and the downy looking feathers seem to be so, so soft. I would never had guessed that was a baby peacock if you hadn't said it was... just looks like a generic baby bird to me.
Posted by: Emie | 06/06/2019 at 04:05 AM
The peachicks are precious but the blue pot stole my heart.
Posted by: Caroline Berk | 06/17/2019 at 06:33 PM