The zinnia's were planted 5/30, the seeds germinated on 6/1, they survived the inch of rain that fell in a one hour time frame on 6/3, and this is what they looked like on 6/5 when I did my after work garden inspection rounds. The larger one you see in the back is a volunteer that came up from last year. I have about 6 or 7 of them too.
Stuff like this excites me. The red husker penstemon below are at their peak right now.
Such a wonderful, reliable, care-free, flower that is easily spread but not overly invasive.
Something else surprising and exciting this week was a turtle spotting in my yard.
I have never noticed those bright orange markings on a turtle before. Whichever of you is a turtle expert do tell me... is this common? Maybe I just haven't seen enough turtles yet in my life. In which case, I better start doing more looking.
Thistles are blooming right now too.
These are not in my garden, I pluck them as soon as I see them coming up there. But I certainly can appreciate them on a walk.
Particularly when set against a nice blue sky.
Yes, turtles can have bright stripes or spots, on different areas of their shells. I looked up yours and found out that it's likely to be a - northern red-bellied cooter.
No, I didn't make up that name!
Posted by: Debbie J | 06/06/2019 at 10:08 PM
The thistles are amazing?
Posted by: jacki long | 06/06/2019 at 10:28 PM
Looks like a painted turtle. And no I didn’t make that up either.
Posted by: Wendy | 06/07/2019 at 12:19 PM
Red-bellied Cooters can be confused with painted turtles. You can distinguish a red-bellied cooter by its larger size, reddish plastron and lack of yellow marks on its head.
Posted by: Wendy | 06/07/2019 at 12:28 PM
I hope you picked it up to see the underside! If it's like the ones in my yard, It's underside is covered in beautiful colored "graphics".
Posted by: jeanette sclar | 06/07/2019 at 05:01 PM
Oh I was so worried about not disturbing it I did not even think about picking it up. Silly me.
Posted by: Carol | 06/07/2019 at 07:26 PM
Thanks for this Wendy!
Posted by: Carol | 06/12/2019 at 08:02 PM