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jacki long

got it ;o)


Glad to know, bc i grew up calling it "chicken corn." WHERE is that adorbs container from?? Im off to buy peanuts...

Janet Ghio

I love that you have a special container for your candy corn!! I haven't succumbed yet this year. My favorite though are the orange pumpkins that are like candy corn

Jeanette Sclar

I confess, the warm weather at the start of the month fooled me into forgetting this tradition, but you have my undying gratitude for enabling my October obsession!


So.... I remember you posting this "recipe" years ago and it's been a staple in my house ever since!


Maria that container is a longaberger basket purchased many many many moons ago when we did such things :-)


Jeanette: you had to remind me last year... I am glad to return the favor


Janet: I am a fan of the pumpkins too!

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