Even though the other day I spoke about being quarantined in a somewhat lighthearted manner, please do not confuse me with someone who doesn't take what is happening right now seriously. This new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is changing how we live in the world everyday. I am not going to tell you how you should respond to the disease, there are plenty of experts out there offering advise on how to stay safe and providing recommendations for things you should and should not be doing.
I will tell you that I absolutely can NOT get on board with the man who told me this week "that coronavirus is God's work - it's him telling us to pay attention to what is important and come back to him". I have categorized this take on the pandemic in the "complete and utter nonsense" category. Delusions abound in chaotic times.
I can also not get behind the people who say they are going to "carry on with life in the usual way". This kind of thinking will contribute to the spread of disease and increase the risk of critical illness and death for those in high risk categories. Please educate yourself if you must travel, considering how your choices will affect those you love.
Toilet paper stockpilers... quit it. Enough said.
Choosing to stock up on books from the library before they decide to close however, is a whole other matter. Reading books at home is on the list of things the CDC says you should do if you are forced to spend time in quarantine . What I mean is it should be on the list.
If I may be so bold, I am also going to encourage baking a St. Patrick's Day Lime Poke cake or something else completely ridiculous. Because troubled times call for it.
Buying daffodils and placing them in strategic locations around your home to make you smile is also highly recommended.
thank you, Carol, well said.
Posted by: jacki long | 03/15/2020 at 01:25 AM
Yes, I agree. I have plenty of books and craft projects, to keep me busy for a very long time! I'm staying home. No need to contribute to the spread of this, or any other disease.
Posted by: Debbie J | 03/15/2020 at 10:48 AM
Agreed and thanks. I've read enough about how to self quarantine and protect and not enough about self-distancing while walking outside or enjoying fresh daffodils in strategic places.
Posted by: Susan Bjerke | 03/15/2020 at 11:04 AM
Yes. A simple, clear, "yes." Only thing I would add is to read good blogs. Like this one.
Posted by: Linda Watson | 03/15/2020 at 11:18 AM
And, need to add, leave a comment. Connect. Something I often do in my head, but forget to actually do.
Posted by: Linda Watson | 03/15/2020 at 11:21 AM
Thanks Linda!
Posted by: carol | 03/15/2020 at 02:59 PM
Debbie: I have similar plans on the sewing and knitting front!
Posted by: Carol | 03/15/2020 at 03:00 PM
Susan: solo walking outside is good medicine for me!
Posted by: carol | 03/15/2020 at 03:01 PM