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Linda Watson

I'm so grateful for your posting about this. Real life, personal, truth, but no shouting in caps and exclamation points, which is how so much is posted these days. It's grounding, and makes me hopeful somehow. Meanwhile, while I know you will, I have to say it: stay safe and stay well.

Can't believe we are having this conversation.

Sharron Carleton

Yes, Linda Watson said it all exactly, thanks xoxo

jacki long

I am on the Linda Watson team too, you made sense without all the fireworks and whistles. Thanks again, we are so blessed to have you in our lives.


It brought me to tears reading this. Maybe because my daughter is a nurse in the ER at one of local hospitals. I talked to her last night and she is so tired and angry and scared. I'm worried for her and for all the health care professionals.


Linda, Jacki, Sharron, and Maureen: thanks for your comments. I need facts to cope with this and hearing what is real rather than trying to imagine it helps me. Thank you Maureen for sharing your daughters perspectives.


I am so grateful for this post. It's easy to despair when in lockdown, as most of us are in the UK. Thanks, Carol. A link to you and others who read your blog is precious.

I LOVE knowing that we are looking out at exactly the same sky as you. 'The moon and her star' has always been a favourite motif of mine.

Keep safe, you and your brilliant team.

Janet Ghio

Thank you Carol-for all you do at your work; for all the information you share; and for all the light you bring with your beautiful photos and everyday ramblings about your life.

Dorothy Anderson

Hi Carol ~ Remember me? I'm Mary Ann's pal Dorothy! And I found your blog on Jacki Long's blog! I didn't know you are a serious nurse in this serious time. Thanks for your clear words and Very best wishes to you.


Thank you Carol. You don't shy away from the hard conversations and I appreciate that. I'm glad to know your blog is a safe space to discuss uncomfortable feelings. A blessing especially in these uncertain times. Stay safe.


Thanks for the report. The professional planning and coordination are encouraging to me. I wonder if stem cell transplants are being postponed too. Those wards are already isolated; maybe they will need to be used for Covid-19 patients. I'm sure any SCT patients are being well cared for though, based on my experience.

Barbara Casillas

Thank you for your writing and doing your job everyday. Stay healthy. The photo was beautiful and comforting.


Chrissy - I think about how we are all looking at the same moon and sky a lot... all around the world.


Dorothy!!!! Of course I know exactly who you are. Nice to hear from you - and that it is Jacki that brought you here. I recall so fondly the meal we shared and our visit to your wonderful home and the walk on the beach. We shall do it again!


Mary: I believe if things can be put off without increased risk they are, however if the risks are greater by delaying procedures that must also be considered. There are hard decisions being made everyday.


Barbara, Emie, and Janet: thanks for your comments, and good wishes.


I meant to tell you, Carol, that every Thursday evening at 8 in the UK many people go outside, or lean out of their windows, to clap for our National Health Service. People sometimes whistle and hoot car horns. It's a lovely community feeling although we can't see anyone from our house. I know they're applauding in other parts of the world too, so grateful to all health care workers, bless them.


Chrissy: Mary Ann sent me a link to a woman in the UK who has a you tube channel and she was on her roof and showed what you are talking about! The solidarity makes you want to smile and cry at the same time.

Deborah Pierro

Carol, bless you and the other healthcare first responders. Stay well!

Judy H.

Thanks go out to you and other health care workers, first responders, and essential needs providers at this challenging time in our lives. Hubby and I are in the higher risk categories and are grateful to be fine while sheltering in place. Warm wishes to you for continued strength and health as you care for others. We look with love to the helpers. <3

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