Tonight it's a hodgepodge of jumbled thoughts. Take what applies, ignore the rest.
Today, after my second full shift of working from home, Chris and I went out for a walk as soon as I closed up shop in my virtual workspace upstairs. When I saw this, I wanted to do a ZOOM sing-a-long with my siblings. Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play..... I am going to open a meeting room with them tomorrow am and if they participate I will video us all singing together and post it tomorrow. Do definitely hold your breath waiting for this. Brother and Sisters - I will send you the lyrics tonight so you will be ready in the am. This is going to be fun. Take my word for it!
Have any of you considered what you will do if someone in your family is ill and tests positive for COVID-19 and you are caring for them at home? In case you were wondering about things, maybe this video below will be helpful?
In Kansas our governor (who is a rockstar by the way!) has extended our mandatory stay at home order through May 3rd. It was disheartening to learn that Kansas is the 3rd lowest state in the US in terms of numbers of coronavirus tests done. All the more reason for us to be staying at home.
I wish you all flowering fruit trees and blue skies with white puffy clouds. No matter where in the world you are social distancing, I want to extend my thanks to those who have reached out to me here recently, I am holding hands with you across the oceans and mountains and deserts.
Thank you Carol, you are the rock star.
Posted by: jacki long | 04/17/2020 at 10:55 PM
Great post with important info. I look forward to the Moss family sing along. Wasn't there a time long ago where there was something when hands across the world? I remember something where I saw on TV many, many people holding hands and singing. I just can't put my finger on it but your post reminded me of that. Thanks again for sharing pertinent information.
Posted by: Emie | 04/18/2020 at 04:56 AM
Really good video--thanks for posting it.
Posted by: Janet Ghio | 04/18/2020 at 06:58 AM