I do NOT engage in political discussions on this blog. BUT, I am going to have to respectfully insist that those responsible for overturning the Kansas governor's ban on gatherings of larger than 10, on the basis that it is a violation of religious freedom, please instead go to church - instead of coming to the hospital if they become ill.
Those of us on the front lines of the pandemic, who have witnessed the death of individuals whose illness can be traced directly to contact from a church gathering, can not understand the logic behind politics as usual. Not in the face of science and the evidence that social distancing will help decrease illness and death.
While I can not enforce it, I would like to absolutely insist that those individuals who insist on attending services and not following social distancing guidelines, who subsequently become sick and infect countless others, shelter at home and utilize the trifecta of holy water, frankincense, and myrrh and forgo standard treatment with hospitalization, oxygen, and perhaps an opioid.
If this seems harsh, and I realize it does, please imagine your sister, brother, spouse, or child as one of the ICU providers I witnessed this week working tirelessly, at tremendous risk to themselves, to resuscitate a patient who ultimately died.
Thanks for allowing me to rant. Just a bit.
P.S. in case you hadn't heard what our legislators have been up to - read about it here.
P.P.S. I also want to say that the vast majority of religious organizations in this area, have already cancelled services voluntarily.