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Debbie Jordan

That was wonderful! We need an encore.

Janet Ghio

Made my morning!! It couldn't be any better--perfect as it is!!


Love me some Mary Chapin Carpenter. I'll be checking her YouTube channel on the regular for new installments. I think the Moss family sing a long was a success!!! You were all in attendance and that's a WIN.

Chris Oliveira

😂😂😂 Ray deserves his name in lights!


Everything about this post is lovely. Both sorts of singing, the idea of sharing like this on your screens. You all in your hats and tea towel.

Our granddaughter in Amsterdam wants both families to eat a meal together over Skype. Not sure how that will work.


Loved it all, but especially Angus!


I know Terri! Isn't Angus dear? I love how he lays down when she is singing.


Chrissy: I think a meal together sounds wonderful. We have had snacks and wine and played games :-)


Chris I am not telling Brother he deserves his name in lights or he will think he deserves a larger share of the profits from the Moss Family Singer profit pool!

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