Happy 4th of July from baby robin 1 and 2. Twenty-one days ago there were three eggs in the nest, today these two look about ready to fly the coop. I see them practicing their flapping routines when I walk by the window. Mother robin is standing at the ready, and is not putting up with any nonsense from me. I open the front door, she chirps, the baby birds duck down into the nest.
This morning I wanted to put a few flags on the porch though, so I snuck out, quickly stabbed flags into flower pots, then went to my side of the porch. To read. After about 30 minutes mom adapted and stopped chirping.
Which allowed me to get a few photos. From a distance.
The observation of baby birds is endlessly entertaining. But there was also a market to get to today. The winner of the best 4th of July Face Mask at the market prize went to this woman. I think her name is Muriel and she sells excellent brittles at the holiday market in December.
Her pickled okra and jalapeƱos were also carefully packaged today.
Madeline was back from college with a table FULL of blueberries and zinnias.
The people who are selling and shopping at the market are doing a really great job about masking and distancing.
Even this half pint zucchini peddler was in good form.
I think we have reached the peak of beautiful flower season here in Kansas. So much is blooming.
Sometimes just one arrangement per household isn't enough, and happily there is not a limit. Happy 4th of July from Chris and I. We hope wherever you are, the fireworks are as colorful and quiet as this one.
I always enjoy reading your posts from the local market, Carol, and today, especially. I'm a Yank, living mostly in Australia, where people aren't wearing masks these days...very low virus rates in our state of New South Wales. We returned from our California home on May 7 and went straight into quarantine in Sydney for 14 days...happy to be out and about now, and even dining in the occasional restaurant.
Thanks for the lovely 4th of July post. Not sure when we'll be able to celebrate a 4th of July in California again...hopefully not too long till flights are going regularly again.
Posted by: Dianne King | 07/04/2020 at 05:45 PM
Happy 4th Carol and Chris, thank you for your beautiful photos, a gift to us all.
Posted by: jacki long | 07/05/2020 at 02:17 AM